[Django]-Django – how do I select a particular column from a model?



Use values() or values_list().

If you use values(), You’ll end up with a list of dictionaries (technically a ValuesQuerySet)

instance = MyModel.objects.values('description')[0]
description = instance['description']

If you use values_list(), you’ll end up with a list of tuples

instance = MyModel.objects.values_list('description')[0]
description = instance[0]

Or if you’re just getting one value like in this case, you can use the flat=True kwarg with values_list to get a simple list of values

description = MyModel.objects.values_list('description', flat=True)[0]

See the official documentation


Use the only method. Please read the documentation


As the docs says if the your query set is going to yield only one object, it’s recommended that you should use get() instead of filter. From the name that you’ve given, I would assume that user_id is distinct for every user.
EDIT1 : I just took a notice of orderby clause. So I would suggest to use this code if the user_id is distinct or with pk.

    description = story.objects.filter('description').get(user_id=x)

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