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As the accepted answers already says, use context processors. Here’s how to make them work with the current Django version:
First, create a function which accepts a request and returns a dictionary with your global template variables:
def load_nav_obj(request):
nav_obj = NavigationObject.objects.all()
return {'nav_obj': nav_obj}
A good place for this function would be in a file context_processors.py
in your main app.
Now, tell your app to use this context processor for all rendered templates. In your settings.py
, add myapp.context_processors.load_nav_obj
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': [],
'APP_DIRS': True,
'context_processors': [
# Insert your context processors here
That’s it! You can now use the variable {{nav_obj}}
in all templates!
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There is an alternative, redirect here: Defining "global variable" in Django templates
Snippet example usage:
{% setglobal foo 0 %}
value={% getglobal foo %}
{% incrementglobal foo 0 %}
value={% setglobal foo %}
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One easy workaround, I found is to create a simple Django template tag that will add the variables to the request object.
Example template tag:
# myapp/templatetags/custom_tags.py
from django import template
from.your_app.models import NavigationObject
register = template.Library()
def nav_list(context):
request = context['request']
navigation_list = NavigationObject.objects.all()
request.navigation_list = navigation_list
return ''
Then in your template:
{% load custom_tags %}
<!-- Add the custom template tag to set the global variable -->
{% nav_list %}
<!-- You can access the global variable as request.navigation_list -->
<h5>{{ request.navigation_list }}</h5>
This method will only work for templates that are loaded after the template tag is loaded, however, it has the added benefit of not needing to use a Context processor that will include the variable in every single template, which is very rarely needed.
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