Does contact_country = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Country.objects.order_by('special'))
This is untested, so you may give it a try, but it may not give it what you want…
in your view do this:
specials = Country.objects.filter(special=True)
all_of = Country.objects.all()
# worst thing is, this is a list, not a queryset...
new_list = list(specials)+list(all_of)
# add new object to you form...
YourForm.base_fields['contact_country'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[(x.id,x) for x in new_list])
Your handicap is, yo create the list using a list, not directly from queryset
This will solve your pronblem, with a dirty looking way, but it is a solution i used when modelform can not help you…
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You can override the default ordering:
class Meta:
ordering = [ '-special', 'printable_name' ]
You can also write a custom manager but it doesn’t worth…
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