Yeah… there’s a problem with running ./manage.py
, in that it adds the current directory to the PYTHONPATH.
This problem happens when you put an __init__.py
inside the root folder.
One solution would be, in this case, to never use manage.py
, but only django-admin.py <commands> --settings=inkasso.inkasso.settings
– of course, this assumes either that when running this command, you’re one level up, outside your root folder inkasso
, or you have your main package installed in site-packages
For example, if the complete path to your settings.py
file is /home/user/projects/inkasso/inkasso/settings.py
, you need to be in /home/user/projects
when running this command.
If however you’ve got your package installed inside your site-packages, the above restriction changes: you can be anywhere except /home/user/projects/inkasso
or any of its subfolders or so on.
Another solution is to edit your manage.py
file to add this line:
if __name__ =='__main__': #line already present
#this will make the python interpreter see your packages as inkasso.inkasso.whatever
os.chdir('..') # <<<---This is what you want to add
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mvod.dev_settings")