If I understand you correctly you are looking to OR some query filters, by default Django ANDs all filters together. To introduce ORing you should use Q objects. In your example you would need a combination of ANDing (&) and ORing (|):
from django.db.models import Q
queryset = Car.objects.filter(
(Q(parameters__name='color') & Q(parameters__value='blue')) |
(Q(parameters__name='tire') & Q(parameters__value='Goodyear')) |
(Q(parameters__name='seat') & Q(parameters__value='leather'))
Note the reverse lookup from Car to Parameter.
This should equate to get me all Cars that have parameters: name=color AND value=blue OR parameters: name=tire AND value=Goodyear OR parameters: name=seat AND value=leather.
Use the Q option.
from django.db.models import Q
query = Q()
query &= (Q(name='color') & Q(value='blue'))
query &= (Q(name='tire') & Q(value="Goodyear"))
query &= (Q(name="seat") & Q(value="leather"))
# List : Force the db call to one call
result = list(Parameters.objects.filter(query))
for c in result:
Should works.