You just need to put filter
first and then values_list
This should work.
home_team_list2 = PreviousLossesNbav1WithDateAgg.objects.filter(
Q(away_team_field="Chicago") | Q(home_team_field="Chicago")
).values_list('actual_over_under_result_field', flat=True)
I tried this on my local machine and it worked fine.
SELECT `previous_losses_nbav1_with_date_agg`.`ACTUAL OVER UNDER RESULT:`
FROM `previous_losses_nbav1_with_date_agg` WHERE
(`previous_losses_nbav1_with_date_agg`.`AWAY TEAM:` = Chicago OR
`previous_losses_nbav1_with_date_agg`.`HOME TEAM:` = Chicago)
This generated output of query
is not valid SQL because "Django never actually interpolates the parameters: it sends the query and the parameters separately to the database adapter, which performs the appropriate operations." Source: code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17741
You need to replace ` with " and put ‘ around Chicago to make it work.