Django 1.11 adds supports for subqueries. You should be able to do:
from django.db.models import Subquery, OuterRef
Why don’t use raw sql here:
Based on this, it will be something like
from django.db import connection
raw_query = '''
update app_foobar set app_foobar.foobar =
(select app_foo.bar from app_foo where app_foo.id = app_foobar.foo_id)
where app_foobar.something = 1;
cursor = connection.cursor()
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This is the implementation of Georgi Yanchev’s answer for two models:
class Foo(models.Model):
bar = models.ForeignKey(Bar)
Foo.objects \
.filter(foo_field_1=True) \
Bar.objects \
.filter(id=OuterRef('bar_id')) \
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For anyone wanting a simpler way to do this and not having the case of huge set of objects, below snippet should work just fine:
for fooBar in FooBar.objects.filter(something=True):
fooBar.foobar = fooBar.foo.bar
For a regular use-cases, this should not present much of a performance difference, especially if being run as part of a data migration.
You can, optionally, also use select_related
if needed to further optimize.
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And there is another way using bulk_update()
(new in Django 2.2) and optimized for a large number of records:
import time
from itertools import islice
batch_size = 2000
objs = FooBar.objects.filter(something=True).annotate(_foobar=F('foo__bar')).iterator(batch_size)
while True:
ts = time.time()
batch = list(islice(objs, batch_size))
if not batch:
for i in batch:
i.foobar = i._foobar
FooBar.objects.bulk_update(batch, ["foobar"])
print(f"{time.time() - ts:.03f}s [{len(batch)}]")
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