Use this:
<a href="{% url 'login:login' %}"><h3 class="agileinfo_sign">Sign In </h3></a>
Hope this small change will solve your problem.
In my case, it happened to me when I forgot to add the login_url = ‘view_name’ field of login_required() decorator.
def checkout_page(request):
return render(request, 'checkout.html', context)
def checkout_page(request):
return render(request, 'checkout.html', context)
I hope this can help someone who wants only authenticated users can access the checkout page.
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I got the same error below:
django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: Reverse for ‘/account/two_factor/setup/’ not found. ‘/account/two_factor/setup/’ is not a valid view function or pattern name.
Because I set a normal URL to url tag instead of a URL namespace as shown below:
<a href="{% url '/account/two_factor/setup/' %}">Two factor setup</a>
So, I set a URL namespace to url
tag as shown below, then the error was solved:
<a href="{% url '/account/two_factor/setup/' %}">Two factor setup</a>
Or, I set a normal URL to href attribute as shown below, then the error was solved:
<a href="/account/two_factor/setup/">Two factor setup</a>
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