[Fixed]-Django error: no such table "boletin_registrado"


you can check as Follows:

Go to Your project directory.

After creating models

  1. makemigrations
  2. migrate

When you have done new migration files, you have to apply them to your database to make sure they work as expected:

cd /var/opt/boletin
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

#You can check table in database as follows:
python manage.py dbshell 

Here You will get all Tables that having actual Database name.
Table Name generated using “application name and table name” in small case.

Application Name = "boletin"
Table Name = "registrado"

eg: Application Name + "_" + Table Name= "boletin_registrado”

In your application you can use as follows:

cd /var/opt/boletin
python manage.py shell 
from boletin.models import registrado or from boletin.models import *

registrado_obj = registrado.(numbre = numbre, email=email, codigo_postal=codigo_postal, timestamp=timestamp, actualizado=actualizado)

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