[Django]-Django equivalent of COUNT with GROUP BY


If you are using Django 1.1 beta (trunk):

  • values('player_type') – for inclusion only player_type field into GROUP BY clause.
  • order_by() – for exclusion possible default ordering that can cause not needed fields inclusion in SELECT and GROUP BY.


Django 1.1 does support aggregation methods like count. You can find the full documentation here.

To answer your question, you can use something along the lines of:

from django.db.models import Count
q = Player.objects.annotate(Count('games'))
print q[0]
print q[0].games__count

This will need slight tweaking depending on your actual model.

Edit: The above snippet generates aggregations on a per-object basis. If you want aggregation on a particular field in the model, you can use the values method:

from django.db.models import Count
q = Player.objects.values('playertype').annotate(Count('games')).order_by()
print q[0]
print q[0].games__count

order_by() is needed because fields that are in the default ordering are automatically selected even if they are not explicitly passed to values(). This call to order_by() clears any ordering and makes the query behave as expected.

Also, if you want to count the field that is used for grouping (equivalent to COUNT(*)), you can use:

from django.db.models import Count
q = Player.objects.values('playertype').annotate(Count('playertype')).order_by()
print q[0]
print q[0].playertype__count

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