[Django]-Django email with smtp.gmail SMTPAuthenticationError 534 Application-specific password required


Because you use 2 factor authentication, you must create a password for this application to access your Google account without the 2 factor auth.

Perform all the steps on the Google support page to generate an application password, and then update your EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD to use that, rather than your regular account password.

On this page: support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833 follow the steps under the heading “How to generate an App password”. After you generate it, you need to use that password in your configuration.



Well, you need to generate a password from your google account (2 factor authentication). It is one time shown.
check this link
for guide.

Afterward, page will prompt a password and paste it in your settings.py

EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD "your password goes here"

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