questions = Question.objects.all().order_by('?')[:3]
To validate form, it hink, you need restore same queryset with something like:
questions = Question.objects.filter(pk__in=request.POST.getlist('ids'))
and put it to form. Think you need also save same ordering — then you can sort out this list in form.
You should save state between requests some way. You can add hidden field, add URL parameters, set cookie, save info in user’s profile — is up to your choice. Tipical way is set hidden inputs (generally it’s default django ModelForm behavior).
So on first request, when you show form — you get queryset, sort it by pk
for example, put to form and add hidden fields with IDs. When user made POST request with answer — you’ll restore your queryset with this IDs, sort it again same way and put to form to validate.