[Django]-Django doesn't create any tables in Postgres database



I solved it, but it was a silly issue. First, when running python manage.py makemigrations for the first time, you should specify which app you’re migrating for – so I used python manage.py makemigrations myapp. Secondly, the way I’ve set up my project, manage.py uses the dev settings by default, and this was writing to an SQLite database. I added the --settings=core.settings.production flag, and it worked.



You can try these steps to see if it resolves your problem:

  1. delete all the migration files for your app, as well as the database records for the app migrations in the django_migrations table.
  2. Run: python manage.py makemigrations <appname>
  3. Run: python manage.py migrate <appname>

In addition to the above you can try adding to each of your model classes the meta class setting managed = True and app_label = <name of your app>


class Food(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = "food"
managed = True

The rest of your class as you had it. Of course add this Meta for all your models. Make sure the app_label is lower case like you have it in the INSTALLED_APPS setting.


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