Disqus is designed to load one Disqus postbox per page. Disqus uses the page URL as a unique identifier and only one Disqus embed can be associated with a single URL. If more than one Disqus embed is present in the source code of a page, only one embed will load.
There is a way to reload the disqus embed with different identifiers:
reload: true,
config: function () {
this.page.identifier = "newidentifier";
this.page.url = "http://example.com/#!newthread";
However, this method is still only used with one embed per page.
This is solved but I’d like to show a different approach by using django-disqus. The last line is the one that gets you the right comments for the specific page/object.
Install django-disqus and use it in your templates.
pip install django-disqus
Add disqus to your INSTALLED_APPS and put your disqus api key in your settings:
Use disqus template tags in your templates:
# load the tags
{% load disqus_tags %}
# get comments for your website
{% disqus_show_comments "YOUR_WEBSITE_SHORTNAME" %}
# get the url for the current object to get the right comments
{% set_disqus_url object.get_absolute_url %}
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