[Django]-Django – Display ImageField


An ImageField contains a url attribute, which you can use in your templates to render the proper HTML.

{% block content %}
    <img src="{{ carx.photo.url }}">
{% endblock %}


You can also make use of the Static URL in Settings.py. Make a directory for example “Uploads”, in the Static directory of your app. Also change this in your model in models.py.

Use the following code:

<img src="{% static carx.photo.url %}" />


Thanks to all, i fix it in this way.


def image(request):
carx = Car.objects.all()
for mycar in carx:
    MyCar = mycar.photo.url
variables = RequestContext(request,{
return render_to_response('image.html',variables)


{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
     <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ carx }}"/>
{% endblock %}


 MEDIA_URL = '/Users/gcarranza/PycharmProjects/django_bookmarks/'
 STATIC_URL = '/Users/gcarranza/PycharmProjects/django_bookmarks/site_media/'

Now i know that carx.photo.url retrieve the absolute path of the file and its only matter to load as static file.


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