[Answer]-Django deployment final step



Well firstly you might want to go through the previously asked questions.

When you are deploying using passenger you do not need to run manage.py runserver , etc. The passenger_wsgi file should take care of it.

You might want to check this link out, in the first answer also contains link to Dreamhost which details quite extensively on how to achieve the same.

Visit Deploying Django app using passenger

From my personal experience I found Nginx and uwsgi setup to be much more easier to handle and work and debug in the logs, but this is subjective to your needs and platform you may have.


Deployment is explained in the documentation.

You need to actually serve your application with some kind of HTTP server and something to run your python code. Some of the possible combinations are:

Your hosting service may or may not give you the choice or even the possibilty to do this.

There is a list of Django friendly hosters in the Django wiki.

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