[Django]-Django.db.utils.OperationalError no matter what I try


I figured it out! Lesson learned: read the whole stacktrace, not just the last line. In this case, the offensive line was in my views.py:

File "/path/to/myproject/myapp/views.py", line 8, in <module>
  existing_model = MyExistingModel.objects.all()[0]

Like I said, MyExistingModel has only one instance, and this line set that instance to the local variable existing_model for use in the views.py code.

I still don’t understand why makemigrations would need to run views.py. But it does, apparently! In doing so, MyExistingModel was imported from models.py, including the new fields. But those fields hadn’t yet been migrated. Thus, OperationalError.


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