You will find the timeuntil
filter useful.
{{ my_datetime|timeuntil:target_date }}
The above snippet will return the time remaining until target_date
is reached.
Similar to
, except that it
measures the time from now until the
given date or datetime. For example,
if today is 1 June 2006 and
conference_date is a date instance
holding 29 June 2006, then{{
conference_date|timeuntil }}
return “4 weeks”.Takes an optional argument that is a
variable containing the date to use as
the comparison point (instead of now).
contains 22 June 2006,
conference_date|timeuntil:from_date }}
will return “1 week”.Comparing offset-naive and
offset-aware datetimes will return an
empty string.Minutes is the smallest unit used, and
“0 minutes” will be returned for any
date that is in the past relative to
the comparison point.