[Fixed]-Django custom validation not showing up on button click


You are simply not returning the validated form to the template. Everytime in your view, you return a new instance of LoginPageDelete() instead and discard the one with validation information.

def delete(request):
    if request.method == 'POST' and "DeleteButton" in request.POST:
        form = LoginPageDelete(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            DeleteData = form.cleaned_data
            q = DeleteData["emailD"]
            query = Users.objects.get(email = q )
            fetch = Users.objects.all()
            return render(request,'Result.html',{'QueryDelete':fetch.values(),})
    else:# here request.method is get or in your case "DeleteButton" not in request.POST
        form = LoginPageDelete()

    return render(request,'delete.html',{"FormDelete":form})

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