What is your file structure like? It should be like so:
If the structure is as above, try the following:
python manage.py shell
>>> from app.management.commands import event_expiration
>>> dir(event_expiration)
['Account', 'BaseCommand', 'Callback', 'Command', 'CommandError', 'Comment', 'Status', 'User', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', 'clean_phone_number', 'csv', 'models', 'os', 're']
I’ve listed the pure output of running dir
on a management command of my own. Give that a try, and report back what is available to the module. You might find yourself getting an error at this point, which may help diagnose. I’m suspecting a problem with importing django itself. I’m guessing the python manage.py shell
will fail, which will mean it’s not a problem with your command, but a problem with the project.
Edit 2:
The fact that check_expiration
was visible in your dir
output supports my theory that the folder structure is amiss in someway. Unless there’s specifically a function named that within your module.
Please do the following and show the output:
cd /path/to/app/
find .
Also, show the entire contents of your event_expiration.py
file, and the contents of your management/commands/__init__.py
file. Be wary of spaces mixed with tabs as whitespace also.
I ran into the same issue and the problem was that my command class wasn’t called exactly Command
, as the docs says. Example:
class Command(NoArgsCommand):
# Do something here
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Printing a queryset directly will also cause this error. For instance, I was trying to do something like this (just testing, not a real use case):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
ppl = People.objects.all()
def handle(self, *args, **options):
ppl = People.objects.all()
print(str(ppl)) # Convert queryset to string
Conclusion: What works in shell doesn’t necessarily work in a management command. Would be nice if someone can point out why.
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I got this error by importing the regular click module instead of djclick
# import click # causes the error because not setup like djclick is
import djclick as click
@click.option("--thing", required=True, prompt=True)
def command(thing):
print(f"hi: {thing}"
Example run:
./manage.py run_thing --thing 123
hi: 123
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