[Fixed]-Django crispy forms always renders readonly


This is a known issue in Crispy Forms – see #326, and #257 which is the root of the issue.

The readonly attribute is a boolean attribute as opposed to a key-value attribute, i.e., you can use it like this:

<input name='foo' readonly>

The presence of the attribute means that the field is readonly.

Crispy forms does not handle such boolean attributes (with the exception of the required attribute which is has a special case for) and just renders them as it would any other attribute.

This is a problem because as far as your browser is concerned, readonly="true" and readonly="false" are the same thing. The mere presence of that attribute will cause the field to be read-only.

You could do something like this as a workaround:

self.helper.layout = Layout(
    Field('contact_email', readonly=True) if email_readonly else Field('contact_email'),

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