[Answered ]-Django: Correct way to save HTML code inside database



Are you trying to make a template backend that will keep your templates in the data base and not in the file system? If so: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/templates/#custom-backends

I can see that in that StaticWebPage record you have a Django template, to render that you’ll need to treat is as a string and render that as you would when rendering strings.

from django.template import Template, Context

def index(request):
    index_object = StaticWebPage.objects.get(page_title='index')
    template = Template(index_object.page_content)
    return HttpResponse(
        content=template.render(Context({})),  # use the context or not

(In Django 1.10) django.http.response.HttpResponse does not take request as the first argument (I added the args it takes for reference).

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