I eventually fixed my second exception by printing the serializer in the Django shell/python interactive console. The result I got was this:
>>> from snippets.serializers import UserSerializer
>>> print(UserSerializer())
url = HyperlinkedIdentityField(view_name='user-detail')
id = IntegerField(label='ID', read_only=True)
username = CharField(help_text='Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.', max_length=150, validators=[<django.contrib.auth.validators.UnicodeUsernameValidator object>, <UniqueValidator(queryset=User.objects.all())>])
snippets = HyperlinkedRelatedField(lookup_field='id', many=True, read_only=True, view_name='snippet-detail')
It turns out that to change <pk>
to <id>
in urlspatterns, you need to add url = HyperlinkedIdentityField(view_name='user-detail', lookup_field='id')
in the UserSerializer
For anyone else coming across this question after following the the tutorial, here is the answer.
Change these lines
router.register(r'snippets', views.SnippetViewSet,basename="snippets")
router.register(r'users', views.UserViewSet,basename="users")
To these (note the singular basenames)
router.register(r'snippets', views.SnippetViewSet,basename="snippet")
router.register(r'users', views.UserViewSet,basename="user")
If you follow it exactly as the tutorial exactly as written, it generates these router URLs (notice snippets-details
). This is what causes the error
<URLPattern '^snippets\.(?P<format>[a-z0-9]+)/?$' [name='snippets-list']>
<URLPattern '^snippets/(?P<pk>[^/.]+)/$' [name='snippets-detail']>
<URLPattern '^snippets/(?P<pk>[^/.]+)\.(?P<format>[a-z0-9]+)/?$' [name='snippets-detail']>
<URLPattern '^snippets/(?P<pk>[^/.]+)/highlight/$' [name='snippets-highlight']>
<URLPattern '^snippets/(?P<pk>[^/.]+)/highlight\.(?P<format>[a-z0-9]+)/?$' [name='snippets-highlight']>
I just had the same problem and I found, that the HyperlinkedIdentityField
wants to insert some placeholder into your URL. But I had used URLs which did not require any placeholders to be set. A ListCreateAPIView
to be precise:
r'^users/$', #<-- takes no params
views.UserListView.as_view(), #<-- just prints a list
name="user-list" #<-- HyperlinkedIdentityField pointing
), # here complained bitterly.