The filename for the cached file is actually based on it’s contents. From the Django Compressor docs:
Generating the combined file if needed
The file is generated if necessary. All precompilers are called and
all filters are executed, and a hash is determined from the contents.
This in turns helps determine the file name, which is only saved if it
didn’t exist already. Then the HTML output is returned (and also saved
in the cache). And that’s it!
I don’t think there’s any way you can make Django Compressor use a specified name without changing the code.
Your SCSS files still have to go through a matching precompiler before you get a working output for your static assets.
In a properly configured development environment, you’d respect that the static output directory is not located/distributed with your application sources and the resulting CSS files would be tucked away from your sources somewhere on a path that’s not under revision control.
Right, so I’ve missed the correct issue. The only solution is to disable compressor in development, including clearing out the precompiler MIME mappings, and resort to conditionally including client-side compilers in your master template.
This would make it possible to reference the original, unauthored LESS and CoffeeScript sources in development, but sadly I can’t find a client-side SASS compiler.
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This can be achieved, but it involves a little bit of customisation. I have this exact setup working. I use local dev mode on dev, and in production (heroku) offline compression.
See the bottom of this issue for the code.