[Django]-Django CMS functionality



In your case I would ‘mis’use a news/blog engine as an advanced flatpages engine. It may sound weird but in most of these engines you can actually misuse things like permalinks to mimic this and those engines give you full opportunity to mess with images and layouting without having to fall back to full blown cms packages.

Now, for actual engines I can’t really help, never actually wrote a site that needed a news feed/blog, but I heard pressroom was good (it also uses photologue instead of messing with photos itself). I can’t imagine however there won’t be any other alternatives, as django originally was developed to power newssites :p.


Try django-categories, it is a very simple category app which is built on top of django-mptt.
It uses some of the admin infrastructure of feinCMS. It is much lighter than other full blown CMS’ out there. Or you can try Mingus and build around it. If this what you are doing for a living, then I suggest use smaller apps with your own magic glue. This way you can easily customize site with apps you want. Note, lot of apps you find out there are not optimized for heavy use, so buyer beware! Let me know what you decide on!

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