[Fixed]-Django cms copy translated pages from dev serv to prod serv


Essentially what you need is in the database, so some kind of export from dev & import to production is what you’ll need.

Usually when I’m preparing a site in dev for production release I’ll do a full export, sanitize any data, remove anything not needed then import to production. It’s easier doing things that way, especially dealing with multiple languages because of the way CMS divides up content for pages between multiple tables.

For example, all the page settings are kept in cms_title and links back to the cms_page table where there’s a copy of each page per language. Because you’ve got a page per language then you’ll usually find the plugin’s store everything in the same table, so the text plugin has it’s djangocms_text_ckeditor_text table which stores all your translated content in the one place.

You might be best exporting all the content tables you need from the CMS & plugins, like cms_cmsplugin, cms_page, cms_title, djangocms_text_ckeditor_text, etc. Then import them to a local database to test and/or modify any content before it ends up on your production server.

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