The problem is that your wrapper expects “request” as the first argument, but a method on a class always takes “self” as the first argument. So in your decorator, what it thinks is the request object is actually TopSecretPage itself.
Either Vinay or artran’s solutions should work, so I won’t repeat them. Just thought a clearer description of the problem might be helpful.
The correct way to do this for any decorator applied to any class-based view method is to use django.utils.decorators.method_decorator()
. I’m not sure when method_decorator() was introduced but here is an example/update in the Django 1.2 release notes. Use it like this:
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
class TopSecretPage(View):
def __call__(self, request, **kwargs):
#bla bla view stuff...
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This problem has come up before. A solution is included which might work for you.
Update: Example method with decorator:
class ContentView(View):
# the thing in on_method() is the actual Django decorator
#here are two examples
def get(self, request, slug): # this is the decorated method
pass #in here, you access request normally
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Instead of using the decorator on the view you could decorate the url.
For example in urls.py:
from my_decorators import myuser_login_required
from my_views import TopSecretPage
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^whatever-the-url-is/$', myuser_login_required(TopSecretPage), {}),
You may need to play with that a little but it’s about right.
This is effectively a duplicate of Django – Correct way to pass arguments to CBV decorators?
which describes the correct way of addressing this. The correct way of doing this for django 1.9 is as follows:
@method_decorator(myuser_login_required(), name='dispatch')
class TopSecretPage(View):
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