Celery turned to be a very capricious child in Django robust system as for me.
There are too little initial data for understanding the reason of your problems.
The most usual reason of Celery daemon fail is file system permissions.
But to clarify the reason I’d try:
Start celery from a command line by the user-owner of django project:
celery -A proj worker -l info
If it works OK, go further
Start celery in a verbal mode as a root user just like daemon to be:
sudo sh -x /etc/init.d/celeryd start
This will show most of the problems with the daemon script – celery user and group used, but not all, unfortunately: permission fails are not visible.
My little remark.
Usually Celery is started by own celery user, and the django project by another one. After long fighting celery and system, I refused from celery user, and owned celery process by the django project user.
And .. do not forget to start once
update-rc.d celerybeat defaults
update-rc.d celeryd defaults
this is for Ubuntu daemon start, sure.
Good luck