[Answered ]-Django: catch database integrityerror


You may have imported it incorrectly
To catch a duplicate of a unique model being created use:

from django.db import IntegrityError

def add_person(request, name):
       person = UniquePerson.objects.create(name = name)
       return HttpResponse("...")
    except IntegrityError as e:
       return HttpResponse(f"Error: {e.__cause__} or {e.message}")


Although you might do this with try/except, you may aswell do it with a simple if else clause:

if UniquePerson.objects.filter(name=name).first() is None:
  person = UniquePerson.objects.create(name=name)
  return HttpResponse(f"New person with name: {name} added")
  return HttpResponse(f"Error: person with name: {name} already registered in DB")

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