I had to re-install django-debug-toolbar
by adding it to requirements.txt
and then running:
docker-compose build web
After doing that, the toolbar wasn’t still showing. I had to add this code to the settings.py file
def show_toolbar(request):
return True
"SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK" : show_toolbar,
Answered here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10518040/11011598
If you have not installed the django-debug-toolbar
package you can install it with help of the below command:
pip install django-debug-toolbar
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You can use the below command which worked perfectly for me:
$ python -m pip install -e git+https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar.git#egg=django-debug-toolbar
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I did run across the same problem when trying to use debug toolbar with Django & docker.
The solution posted above did not solve the problem entirely. The toolbar was sometimes not visible on the rest_framework
browsable API.
I solved the problem by adding the below into my settings.py
INTERNAL_IPS = ['',""]
import socket
hostname, _, ips = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
INTERNAL_IPS += [".".join(ip.split(".")[:-1] + ["1"]) for ip in ips]
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I ran across this issue because we’re using docker containers for the development environment and we’re also using Pipenv to manage deps. Silly me, I did:
pipenv install django-debug-toolbar --dev
When in my environment this does no good because it will never be installed on my docker container environment. I had to reinstall without the --dev
part and it worked fine afterwards.
Hope this helps someone out in the same situation.
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