[Django]-Django can not delete csrftoken after logout


You can fix the problem by editing your vcl_fetch as follows:

sub vcl_fetch {
    # pass through for anything with a session/csrftoken set
    if (beresp.http.set-cookie ~ "flash_sessionid" || beresp.http.set-cookie ~ "csrftoken" || beresp.http.set-cookie ~ "sessionid") {
       return (hit_for_pass);
    } else {
       return (deliver);

This way you’re checking for Set-Cookie:sessionid as well.

Varnish sees only the first Set-Cookie header when using beresp.http.set-cookie, so in your case Varnish returns vcl_deliver instead of hit_for_pass.

For further reading I’d suggest taking a look at vmod_header.


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