You’ll want to use the update
method since you’re dealing with multiple objects:
filter returns a queryset. A queryset isn’t a single object, it’s a group of objects so it doesn’t make sense to call save() on a queryset. Instead you save each individual object IN the queryset:
game_participants = GameParticipant.objects.filter(player=player, game=game)
for object in game_participants:
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It is possible to get this error by assigning not saved object to another object foreign field.
for project in projects:
project.day = day
and the right way of this is:
for project in projects:
project.day = day
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filter return a list and if your want a specific single object from it you need give the index of that object
game_participant = GameParticipant.objects.filter(player=player, game=game)[0]
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If you use filter() function then you must loop the data, then use save() function
std = Student.objects.filter(player=player, game=game)
for i in std:
i.name = "somthing"
If you use the get() function then use the save() function without a loop.
std = Student.objects.get(player=player, game=game)
std.name = "somthing"
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def Clearlist(request):
que = Feeds.objects.filter(selected=True)
for i in que:
i.selected = False
return redirect('core:all')
this is a good way to save a into queryset
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New in Django 2.2: bulk_update
objs = [
Entry.objects.create(headline='Entry 1'),
Entry.objects.create(headline='Entry 2'),
objs[0].headline = 'This is entry 1'
objs[1].headline = 'This is entry 2'
Entry.objects.bulk_update(objs, ['headline'])
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when you use the queryset maybe it return a list that why u should use
game_participant = GameParticipant.objects.filter(player=player, game=game)[0]
instead of
game_participant = GameParticipant.objects.filter(player=player, game=game)
try this it work for me
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