A quick google search reveals django-gencal, which looks like exactly what you need. It would also be worth looking at the snippets under the calendar tag on Django Snippets at http://www.djangosnippets.org/tags/calendar/.
It seems that django-calendar has become django-agenda: http://github.com/dokterbob/django-agenda
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The django-schedule code originally from thauber (thauber/django-schedule) has been forked and worked into the glamkit/glamkit-eventtools code for Galleries, Libraries, Museums and Archives. It has also been forked and updated by a variety of other folks, e.g. boskee/django-schedule, and my guess is that that might have fewer dependencies and be easier to integrate into another project. It says:
Django-schedule: A calendaring/scheduling application, featuring:
- one-time and recurring events
- calendar exceptions (occurrences changed or cancelled)
- occurrences accessible through Event API and Period API
- relations of events to generic objects
- ready to use, nice user interface
- view day, week, month, three months and year
- project sample which can be launched immediately and reused in your project
See the github “network” tab for a graphical navigation from the point of view of a given branch to see how other branches relate to it (i.e. what is available for merging).
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svn checkout http://django-calendar.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ django-calendar-read-only
svn: URL ‘http://django-calendar.googlecode.com/svn/trunk‘ doesn’t exist
so google search may reveal, but it’s no longer exists.
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There is another calendar alternative here, Django Event Calendar from 3captus, that offers something a bit simpler. I’m trying it out now, but it looks like a better fit for me.
From the features list:
- Full feature calendar display using python calendar class
- Support month scrolling (forward or backward)
- AJAX add, modify, delete GUI
- Require mimimum knowledge of Django, should be a good compliment after you are done with django tutorial
(http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/tutorial01/) - Calendar and Event class can be used in any python project
- Full unit test included
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There are also some calendar functions built into Python itself, you can see a simple implementation here.
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