You’re probably looking for aggregate
from django.db.models import Sum
# returns {'price__sum': 1000} for example
Use .aggregate(Sum('column'))['column__sum']
reefer my example below
sum = Sale.objects.filter(type='Flour').aggregate(Sum('column'))['column__sum']
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Annotate adds a field to results:
>> Order.objects.annotate(total_price=Sum('price'))
<QuerySet [<Order: L-555>, <Order: L-222>]>
>> orders.first().total_price
Aggregate returns a dict with asked result:
>> Order.objects.aggregate(total_price=Sum('price'))
{'total_price': Decimal('1260.00')}
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Using cProfile profiler, I find that in my development environment, it is more efficient (faster) to sum the values of a list than to aggregate using Sum()
sum_a = sum([item.column for item in queryset]) # Definitely takes more memory.
sum_b = queryset.aggregate(Sum('column')).get('column__sum') # Takes about 20% more time.
I tested this in different contexts and it seems like using aggregate
takes always longer to produce the same result. Although I suspect there might be advantages memory-wise to use it instead of summing a list.
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Previous answers are pretty well, also, you may get that total with a line of vanilla code…
items = ItemPrice.objects.all()
total_price = sum(items.values_list('price', flat=True))
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You could also get the sum this way:
def total_sale(self):
total = Sale.objects.aggregate(TOTAL = Sum('amount'))['TOTAL']
return total
Replace the ‘amount’ with the column name from your model you want to calculate the sum of and replace ‘Sale’ with your model name.
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You need to use aggregate() and Sum() to calculate the sum of price
column as shown below. *The query with all() is equivalent to the query without all() as shown below:
from django.db.models import Sum
Then, these dictionaries below are outputted on console:
{'price__sum': Decimal('150.00')}
{'price__sum': Decimal('150.00')}
And, you can change the default key price__sum
to priceSum
for price column as shown below:
from django.db.models import Sum
# ↓ Here
# ↑ Here
Then, the default key is changed as shown below:
{'priceSum': Decimal('150.00')}
{'priceSum': Decimal('150.00')}
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