You can override the storage get_available_name
Here’s an example. Modify to get the exact filename scheme you want.
class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
location = 'media/yy'
file_overwrite = False
def get_available_name(self, name, max_length=None):
custom_name = f'/employeeid/{name}_randomnumber.png'
return super().get_available_name(custom_name, max_length)
If you want to modify the location where your file is uploaded in a view, you can set the location attribute on the the S3 Storage Object associated with your upload:
from .models import ModelWithFileField
def my_view(request):
# Assume the request to be handled contains some data to be uploaded in the
# files attribute
upload = request.FILES["file"]
file_instance = ModelWithFileField(file_field=file)
file_instance.file_field.storage.location = "someprefix"
This works, but may be a quick and dirty solution. I don’t know if Storage objects are intended to work like this.
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