[Answer]-Django autocomplete search by tag and render Tag List



jQueryUI part:

        source: $(this).data('url'), ## or hard code it: source: '/api/...'
        minLength: 2,
        select: function(event, ui) {

The view which handles your $(this).data('url'):

import json


def view_for_your_api(request):
    if not request.is_ajax():
        return HttpResponse('false')
    results = model.objects.all()[:NUMBER_OF_RESULTS]
    data = json.dumps([{'label': r.name, 'value': r.name} for r in results])
    return HttpResponse(data, 'application/json')

I assumed you have r.name in your model. Replace it with your field or your neccessities

👤Mihai Zamfir


This is a good idea “Get multiple autocomplete suggestions”.

Here is how autocomplete works.
For example whenever you type something in a text box the AJAX runs and returns particular result for that specific texts.

To get multiple autocompletes..

If you want to do that multiple autocomplete you need to save multiple data or tags in a column according to repeated occurances. or make a “*one to many relationship” in the database and return all those values.


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