My 2 cents: you should bypass the form validation framework for this. Attaching errors to a form field name is heavily built into the framework.
Instead, why not store the custom errors in an attribute or method on the form object?
{% if form.images.errors %}
{% for image, error in form.more_detailed_images_errors %}
Your image {{ image }} has an error: {{ error }}
{% endfor %%
{% endif %}
class MyForm(...):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.more_detailed_image_errors = []
def clean_images(self):
for image in images:
# validate image
if image_is_invalid:
error_msg = 'This image is invalid for reason X'
# presumably this is your dynamic error message
self.more_detailed_image_errors.append((image, error_msg))
if self.more_detailed_image_errors:
raise ValidationError("You've uploaded invalid images")