[Django]-Django/Apache/Mod_WSGI – HTTP 404 Error with Static Files



In my case I needed to make only Alias for static file, in your case, my configuration will look like this:

WSGIDaemonProcess Dashboard_Web python-path=E:/Bitnami/djangostack-1.6.7-1/apps/django/django_projects/Dashboard_Web/
WSGIScriptAlias /Dashboard_Web E:/Bitnami/djangostack-1.6.7-1/apps/django/django_projects/Dashboard_Web/Dashboard_Web/wsgi.py process-group=Dashboard_web

Alias /static/ E:/Bitnami/djangostack-1.6.7-1/apache2/static/

<Directory E:/Bitnami/djangostack-1.6.7-1/apps/django/django_projects/Dashboard_Web/>

Order allow,deny

Allow from all


It’s worth to use this WSGIDaemonProcess when you run more then one django application. Also your problem may be coz by your system, you may try to use β€œ\” instead of β€œ/”, for example:

Alias /static/ E:\Bitnami\djangostack-1.6.7-1\apache2\static\

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