[Django]-Django – Alternatives To File Browser that Work Well With S3


I’ve used https://github.com/bradleyg/django-s3direct in my project. It worked nice. It is also listed on Django Packages site you mentioned.


When you include the S3BotoStorageMixin, this package should be able to work on S3.

from filebrowser.storage import S3BotoStorageMixin
from storages.backends.s3boto import S3BotoStorage

class CustomS3BotoStorage(S3BotoStorageMixin, S3BotoStorage):
    def path(self, name):
        # Workaround for django-filebrowser, which requests full_path on uploaded files.
        # The operation is not needed at all, since no chmod happens afterwards.
        return self.url(name)

    def isfile(self, name):
        # Hacky performance optimization for filebrowser.
        # The original isdir() method is really inefficient.
        if '.' in name:
            return True
        return super().isfile(name)

and in settings.py:

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'myproject.lib.storages.CustomS3BotoStorage'

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