[Fixed]-Django-allauth retrieve avatar profile pictures


If you want to get avatar pictures in a django template:

<img src="{{ user.socialaccount_set.all.0.get_avatar_url }}" />

Is that what you were trying to do?


Let me quickly described how i did it (using all_auth and rest_auth).

Basically, ‘allauth => socialaccount’ provide user_signed_up
and user_logged_in signals. So you need to catch them and get
sociallogin object’s extra data and populate your avatar_url.

Step-1: Create a UserProfile model: (to store avatar_url)

    from django.utils.encoding import force_text
except ImportError:
    from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode as force_text

class UserProfile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField(User, primary_key=True, verbose_name='user', related_name='profile')
    avatar_url = models.CharField(max_length=256, blank=True, null=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return force_text(self.user.email)

    class Meta():
        db_table = 'user_profile'

Step-2: Catch ‘user_signed_up’ signal and populate `avatar_url’

# signals.py

from allauth.account.signals import user_signed_up, user_logged_in

def social_login_fname_lname_profilepic(sociallogin, user):

    picture_url = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{0}?s={1}".format(

    if sociallogin:
        # Extract first / last names from social nets and store on User record
        if sociallogin.account.provider == 'twitter':
            name = sociallogin.account.extra_data['name']
            user.first_name = name.split()[0]
            user.last_name = name.split()[1]

        if sociallogin.account.provider == 'facebook':
            f_name = sociallogin.account.extra_data['first_name']
            l_name = sociallogin.account.extra_data['last_name']
            if f_name:
                user.first_name = f_name
            if l_name:
                user.last_name = l_name

            #verified = sociallogin.account.extra_data['verified']
            picture_url = "http://graph.facebook.com/{0}/picture?width={1}&height={1}".format(
                sociallogin.account.uid, preferred_avatar_size_pixels)

        if sociallogin.account.provider == 'google':
            f_name = sociallogin.account.extra_data['given_name']
            l_name = sociallogin.account.extra_data['family_name']
            if f_name:
                user.first_name = f_name
            if l_name:
                user.last_name = l_name
            #verified = sociallogin.account.extra_data['verified_email']
            picture_url = sociallogin.account.extra_data['picture']

    profile = UserProfile(user=user, avatar_url=picture_url)

Hope this will help you.


In case you don’t want to use Django Signals, you can extend DefaultSocialAccountAdapter from allauth.socialaccount.adapter and override populate_user:

from allauth.socialaccount.adapter import DefaultSocialAccountAdapter
from allauth.account.utils import user_field

class CustomSocialAccountAdapter(DefaultSocialAccountAdapter):
    def populate_user(self, request, sociallogin, data):
        user = super().populate_user(request, sociallogin, data)
            picture = sociallogin.account.extra_data['picture']
            user_field(user, "profile_photo", picture)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        return user

Note you should also change DefaultSocialAccountAdapter in settings.py:

SOCIALACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'some_app.path.to.CustomSocialAccountAdapter'

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