[Answered ]-Django all striptags apart from <p>


You can do this in Python with bleach’s clean method, which you could then wrap in a template filter if you need it in your template. Simple usage:

import bleach

text = bleach.clean(text, tags=['p',], strip=True)

Your custom filter would look something like this:

from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
import bleach

register = template.Library()

def bleached(value):
    return bleach.clean(value, tags=['p',], strip=True)


you can do it using templatefilter and beautifulsoup.
Install BeautifulSoup. then create a Folder templatetags inside any app folder. you need to add an empty __init__.py inside templatetags folder.

inside the templatetags folder create a file parse.py

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from django import template    
register = template.Library()

def parse_p(html):
    return ''.join(BeautifulSoup(html).find('p')

in template.html

{% load parse %}

{{ myhtmls|parse_p }}

where myhtmls is

<p>In this lesson, you will learn how to apply....</p>
<img src="http://example.com/photos/b/8/d/0/60312.jpeg" style="max-height : 700px ; max-width : 700px ; margin : 5px">
<p>After attending this workshop you will always be the star!</p>
<ul><li> Test </li></ul>

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