[Answered ]-Django: ajax view structure


There are valid reasons for checking is_ajax, for one it’s a good way to take advantage of the cross-domain policy.

In that case I’d return a 403 – Forbidden. Note that 403 has nothing to do with authorization – it’s an acknowledgement that you’ve received and understood the request, and are refusing to return anything, which exactly matches your intent. You can optionally include the reason why the request is refused:

You can use the status parameter to set the status on a regular HttpResponse object, or use the HttpResponseForbidden subclass:

return HttpResponseForbidden("Request must be a valid XMLHttpRequest")

Personally, I tend to re-use the same views to serve either a template to a regular GET, or JSON to an ajax request. I don’t know if I’d consider that a best practice or anything, it just seems to be what is needed for my projects.


If you don’t know what you want in the else clause, are you sure you need the if? Why test for is_ajax at all? Why not just return JSON data to the browser?

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