Maybe it’s a cyclic import issue?
In the example here, he had an import statement in a signal that was the culprit.
You could check globals() for similar symptoms..
You need to use args/kwargs when overriding model methods: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/models/#overriding-model-methods
It’s also important that you pass
through the arguments that can be
passed to the model method — that’s
what the *args, **kwargs bit does.
Django will, from time to time, extend
the capabilities of built-in model
methods, adding new arguments. If you
use *args, **kwargs in your method
definitions, you are guaranteed that
your code will automatically support
those arguments when they are added.
Try following the save()
override example from the docs here. Note the use of *args, **kwargs
. If that doesn’t work then something is serious messed up.
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Just a quick guess, but is this save method definately part of the CompanyProfile models class and is your indentation correct?
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