[Django]-Django admin list_display with count annotation



That is because the moment you apply values to the queryset, it returns a list of dictionary, whereas the admin is expecting a queryset of objects.

I have been in this situation before, so I did something like this:

def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
    response = super().changelist_view(request, extra_context)
        # this is the final queryset to be rendered on the page after pagination.
        _cl = response.context_data['cl']
        qs = _cl.result_list._clone()
        # since in my case mysql 5.5 does'nt support subquery with LIMIT
        # fetch all the ips on that page
        ips = list(set([obj.ip_address for obj in qs]))
        result_qs = models.Log.objects.values('ip_address') \
                .filter(ip_address__in=ips) \
        result = {_r['ip_address']: _r['ip_address_count'] for _r in result_qs}
        setattr(self, '_ip_addr_count', result)
    return response

def ip_address_count(self, instance):
    # fetch the count from the dict we set above
    return self._ip_addr_count.get(instance.ip_address)

Hence you see what I did is, fetch the ips from the final queryset and then using that to query the count. By doing this you will query the database only once per page.

I hope you get the basic underlying idea.Please suit it according to your need.


Here is how you can do natively. Django knows how to handle this (see the documentation about the admin and list_display).

class LogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = (..., "field1", "field2"... "quantity_of_things",)

    def get_queryset(self, request):
        return (super(LogAdmin, self).get_queryset(request).annotate(quantity_of_things=Count("xxxxxx")))

    def quantity_of_things(self, obj):
        return obj.quantity_of_things
    quantity_of_things.short_description = "Number of xxxxxx"

You annotate the queryset with anything you need (a Count for instance). As you can see, you just have to use the same name 3 times (quantity_of_things in my example)

  1. in the list_display (Django understands this is a callable),
  2. in the annotate,
  3. in the function to be called.
  4. quantity_of_things.short_description is for the column title

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