[Django]-Django admin and MongoDB, possible at all?



I have confirmed that django-nonrel project does support the admin interface. I did have a problem where the default SITE_ID was picked up as a number, which is not allowed as a primary key in MongoDB. I resolved this by setting:

SITE_ID = β€˜4d421623b0207acdc500001d’

in my settings.py

I got the number by printing the id of the first site value in the collection through the shell.

I have not tested this extensively, but did register an admin for a Poll object and see it work.


I have used django-nonrel with mongodb-engine and it works well. Django admin also works with standard model fields. But if you are using listfield and dictfield, you would need to do some hacking.


I’m not positive, but django-nonrel and the mongodb backend may support the django admin nowadays… it might be worth looking into



django-nonrel is a fork of django and it hasn’t been updated for over a year. django-mongonaut and django-mongoadmin are django packages and are probably a better fit.


Django Admin is VERY MUCH possible with MongoDB. Have you looked into the Djongo project?

Djongo is a SQL to MongoDB query compiler. It translates every SQL query string into a mongoDB query document. As a result,

  • All Django models and related modules work as is.
  • Use the Django Admin GUI to add MongoDB embedded documents.
  • Djongo provides API extensions to the Django ORM that let you β€˜embed’ one document inside another, like MongoEngine.

There is an article on Using Django with MongoDB by adding just one line of code, if you are looking for more information. Otherwise, you can jump directly into the djongo documentation and start using it.


This is an old question but if someone happens to be facing the same problem today, I think his best bet would be http://humongous.io. It’s a django-admin like interface for mongoDB. It knows how to guess/deal with relationships and works pretty much as the Django admin.


mongodb has many behaviors and django-admin is for relation database like postgresql

you can create django admin with django-nonrel but its not optimize and good. i think its bettwr you create custom admin for your application.

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