There’s no "proper" way to do so, but… To achieve what you want you can pick any method that accepts obj
argument. Like has_view_permission
or get_forms
or get_formset
or get_extra
Note that you will not receive a QuerySet
of the related manager, but instead will get the obj
that is requested in the non-inline admin.
class TaskInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Task
def has_view_permission(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
# None for new instances or non object-specific calls
if obj is not None:
# print(obj) -> instance that has Task as inline
# TODO: fix the following line, because your field might be called differently
if obj.tasks.count() >= 5:
self.classes = list(type(self).classes or []) + ["collapse"]
return super().has_view_permission(request, obj=obj, **kwargs)