[Django]-Django AbstractEmailUser model column does not exist



As stated here: Django Programming error column does not exist even after running migrations

Something may have gone wrong in your migration process.

  1. Go to your database and find a table named django_migrations where
    all the migrations are listed.
  2. Find the row with the migration in which you added the avatar column to your model and delete it from the database (only the row).
  3. Migrate again: ./manage.py migrate

Another possibility is that you are using Django Toolbar like what happened here: Django Migration Error: Column does not exist, in which case you need to comment the toolbar in your installed apps and rerun migrations.

๐Ÿ‘คJohn Moutafis


Did you apply a new migration with these changes?
You can check this using showmigrations or use makemigrations to create a migration and migrate to apply it.

๐Ÿ‘คYahor Tsyplakou

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