[Fixed]-DJANGO 1.9 | views.py | execute *.bat file | location for save file



For the first question:

import os

#Set myPath variable to the path of the file being executed
myPath =  os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

#Change current working directory to myPath
#Or change current working directory to a subdirectory of myPath
os.chdir(os.path.join(myPath, 'subFolder'))

For the second question:

import os

#Check the current working directory. The txt file is getting saved here.

#This can be changed by changing the working directory as described in the answer to the first question.

EDIT: Changed the os.chdir() syntax error in the first part.


Your guess was true.
Django current running path is not in your project folder.
In my testing it was in C:\Python27
you must give exact path or use PROJECT_ROOT variable in settings file.
Have fun

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