This is what the “static” app is for. You should do manage.py collectstatic
on deployment, and this collects all your static content – both for your apps and for the built-in/contrib ones – into one place, which is where you point your Apache alias to.
But if you really want to hard code it, STATIC_URL + admin just means exactly that: the value of STATIC_URL, suffixed with “admin”, so Alias /static/admin
This is the code that finally works:
Alias /static/admin "C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin/"
<Directory "C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin">
Require all granted
Alias /static/ "C:/mysite/polls/static/"
<Directory "C:/mysite/polls/static">
Require all granted
Note that ORDER matters greatly. I have to Alias the admin static BEFORE aliasing the site static. Sounds like a cascading type issue and makes sense the more specific gets precedent.
Also I had my link incorrect for the admin. It was ending in ../admin/static/
. It should go deeper into ../admin/static/admin/
Finally 2 areas working to serve static files. The admin comes first and then the site static 2nd.
Thanks to all and this should be really documented and might be a pitfall for some.
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