[Answer]-Django 1.6 serving static admin files using alias with apache


This is what the “static” app is for. You should do manage.py collectstatic on deployment, and this collects all your static content – both for your apps and for the built-in/contrib ones – into one place, which is where you point your Apache alias to.

But if you really want to hard code it, STATIC_URL + admin just means exactly that: the value of STATIC_URL, suffixed with “admin”, so Alias /static/admin.


This is the code that finally works:

Alias /static/admin "C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin/"
<Directory "C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin">
Require all granted

Alias /static/ "C:/mysite/polls/static/"
<Directory "C:/mysite/polls/static">
Require all granted

Note that ORDER matters greatly. I have to Alias the admin static BEFORE aliasing the site static. Sounds like a cascading type issue and makes sense the more specific gets precedent.

Also I had my link incorrect for the admin. It was ending in ../admin/static/. It should go deeper into ../admin/static/admin/.

Finally 2 areas working to serve static files. The admin comes first and then the site static 2nd.

Thanks to all and this should be really documented and might be a pitfall for some.


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