[Django]-Django 1.4 Development Environment with zc.buildout


I don’t have the definitive answer, but here are some brainstorm thoughts:

  • Why the virtualenv? Buildout itself provides isolation, so no virtualenv is needed. Could you re-try with just a bootstrap.py and your buildout.cfg? So just run bootstrap.py with your system python?

  • Do you have buildout installed globally, perhaps? They can interfere.

  • The latest 1.5.2 buildout has some problems with site.py files in some situations, which is a possible reason for it failing inside a virtualenv. Could you try the special 1.4.4 bootstrap mentioned in http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout/1.5.2#system-python-and-zc-buildout-1-5 ?

  • bin/buildout -vvv gives you much more debugging info.

An additional comment: the version setting in djangorecipe is deprecated in the latest versions of djangorecipe. You can remove it. If you want to pin Django you have to pin it in your buildout’s [version] list.


The guide you are following is a little bit obsolete. It will fail when processing the [django] part, specifically in the version variable. You must specify the versions in the new way, which is showed in the djangorecipe page. This is:

parts = django
versions = versions

django = 1.4

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